Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Laverton Site

Steel Supporting structure for concete panels

Crain placing panel into place
Supports fixed to pads in ground. Tied with bolts.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

South Yarra Developement (2)

Rio bars grouted around base to bring up to slab level.
Pipework extruding from slab has membrane surroud to accomodate for slab contraction. Also note the cut lines in slab to allow for walls to be recessed.

Lift core shown once timber formwork has been removed, also in background the white expansion membrane between slab and neighbouring.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

BDC Project - Archi (3)

Progress update showing the timber perlins inplace
Roof structure over office area completed, awaiting supports and roofing materials.
Materials shown on purlins.

South Yarra Developement

Trench mesh for slab tied together. Timber formwork to the edges with the waterproof sheeting to the base
Close up of the mesh showing the beams/ sprips to the base of the slab. note the reinforcement rods tied to mesh
Rio bars for possible column tied into mesh.
Rio bars exposed out of slab, internal filled in with slurry mix after slab hardened.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

BDC Project - Archi (2)

This image is how i want my column trasition to look like. The truss overhead is pre-welded to the column and fitted onto concrete columns for a stronger presence at graoud level to accomodate for truck.

The idea is too appear as organic as possible using the steel on the outside and change to a combination of timber and steel on the inside

Detail of the top section with the steel column being welded to the trusses.

BDC Project - Archi

These top three renders outline my building form. The red indicates the office area & orange the factory. I have started to show the concrete columns and overhead steel structure for the factory. The colunms will join the structure through the use of steel branching its way up to the as per the Enrik Miralles model below.

I propose to make the bottom level a nutral stone material typical to Geelong and use timber in the upper areas to create vents for air circulation.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Mount Buller 3 Construction

Double brick retaining wall, to have crushed rock added.
Large retaining wall with steel structure for ski access to the building.
Ag drain to run around the base of the slab, it will have to be connected to site drainage before completion.
Battered earth to back of retaining wall, loose pipes and water at base where ag drain is located or base gutter.
side angle of batter with retaining wall on left. note the moisture in the earth and drainage required to base of retaing wall.

Mount Buller 2 Construction

Reinforcing for a angular column to be formed out and poured onsite.
piping to rear of building where possible kitchen will be located, note the lengths stick ing out of the poured concrete.
view looking down lift shaft, angulal cross bracing for builders to stand on. you can also see pattens from the form work on the concrete.
retaining wall: crushed rock is layed at bottom for drainage... in this application it is about 1m high
timber form work above for concrete slab and retaining wall at base.

Mount Buller Construction

Timber members & steel scaffold hold up ply wood as form work for a concrete base.
Inside the building bondek
is supported by the concrete block walls and steel scaffold in the centre.
Timber stud walls are used for non loadbeaing areas, pipe work is precut through the bondek before the concrete is poured.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

ceiling framing

this pic shows the detail of a suspended ceiling. It also shows how the electrical wiring is running on support, the column is used to run electricty to the floor level below
This shows the roof structure supported on the concrete bricks and how the connection of the suppended ceiling meets the wall.
Steel roofing members and supports for suspended ceiling
supprt column is filled in with concrete bricks
external gutter detail, the gutter supprted in steer brackets


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Week3 Composite

This weeks task showing a composite frame, bondek floor supported by the main body structure and additional steel columns to the outside. Simple construction with a suspended ceiling.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Harbour Bridge Details

The amout of detail within the structure is amazing, re-inforce plating and welds are at a huge scale to accomodate the span and weight.